V. Vasiliev 31 Dove Lane Thornhill, Ontario Canada - L3T 1W1
Early registration due by March 31st, 2024
Summer registration due by July 1st, 2024
Minimum deposit due upon booking - $500 US
If I fail to make the full payment by the deadline, I may lose my place for the course. I am aware that the deposit payment is non-refundable. I am also aware that the training program is subject to change without notice. I am paying by Check or money order payable to: V. Vasiliev Cash Credit Card PayPal (payable to store@russianmartialart.com) Amount: Card Number: CVV code: Expires: JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember 2025202620272028202920302031203220332034 * The equivalent amount in Euros or Yen is accepted based on the exchange rate on the day of payment. It is your responsibility to ensure that the payment deadline is met. Please advise us of any change in your contact information. For more info call: +1 905 881 4711 or email: training@RussianMartialArt.com Submit Reset
* The equivalent amount in Euros or Yen is accepted based on the exchange rate on the day of payment. It is your responsibility to ensure that the payment deadline is met. Please advise us of any change in your contact information.
For more info call: +1 905 881 4711 or email: training@RussianMartialArt.com